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Progressive Christianity Fall 2024

led by Cathy Gross & Lenore Pressley

Dates:   Mondays September 9 to October 7, 2024 

Time:    7:30-9 PM

Where: Kingsway Place, 145 Murray Drive, Aurora

In this fall, we used the 6-part DVD series: Marcus Borg, Beyond Belief.

Marcus was a New Testament Scholar, theologian, and author who is well-known in both Academic and church circles. Two of his widely read books are Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time and Reading the Bible Again for the First Time. We recently studied The First Christmas written by Borg and good friend John Dominic Crossan.

Once again, we all had an exciting exploring session!


We will resume our gathering in the new year 2025 and invite anyone interested to join us!


If you are interested, please contact Cathy Gross at, or Lenore Pressley at

As always, we look forward to more interesting, sometimes challenging discussions in the new year!

We are always looking for your support! Let's connect.


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