Christian Stewardship is about sharing in God’s amazing generosity to each one of us. Stewards manage the resources God has loaned us as effectively as possible — our possessions, skills, wealth, time and the environment.
The foundation of a financially successful parish is Responsible for Proportionate Giving. Responsible Proportionate Giving requires that we put God’s priorities before our own, that we put the support of God’s Church and its mission, and the needs of the broader community, before our own pleasure and comfort.
Such giving involves four principles: it must be a gift, it is planned, it is proportionate and it is a sacrifice – it comes from our substance, not our excess. This act can lead us into a closer relationship with God because we are giving an amount that is truly responsible. It shows us that our security lies not in our material wealth but in God.

As you plan your budgets and spending for 2023/2024, give some thought to your charitable giving.
Calculate and consider the amount of your annual gross household income.
Reflect on your personal views about Generous Living and Responsible Proportionate Giving, and about the percentage, you are able to commit to giving for the year.
Pray about whether you can increase your Commitment to Trinity for 2023.
Decide on how you want to make your offering.
Here at Trinity we take creation care seriously. We are in the process of making our facilities and programming even more environmentally sustainable in the coming year, and we are encouraging our parishioners to take practical steps towards reducing household carbon footprints.
“The climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all. At the global level, it is a complex system linked to many of the essential conditions for human life”
– Pope Francis